live, laugh, javascript

17 Jan 2024

My initial thoughts

Since this is my first time learning about Javascript, I had no idea what I was expecting, I thought it would be the same as if not very similar to Java, but after experiencing it and coding with it I realized that it’s a lot more complex than I originally expected, however, at the same time it somehow feels a lot simpler to use than other languages that I’ve experienced so far. There are a lot more shorthands that I can make use of compared to Java or C, nor is it as gimmicky as something like Python, where indentation can make or break your code. Granted, I haven’t had much experience using Javascript, as it has only been about 2 weeks since I first learned about it, but within those 2 weeks, I feel as though I’ll be able to come to enjoy and understand how to use it better than prior languages that have been taught to me.

What I learned

In the week that I learned how to code in javascript due to the online coding camp, I feel as though I’ve learned more about how to code than the past 3 semesters that I’ve spent “studying” how to code the other languages from my other professors. Though I am not proficient enough in the language to code larger scale projects, I do, however, believe that it would make my life a lot easier using javascript compared to a language like C/C++, mostly due to the fact that there are a lot of shortcuts that I can utilize, and since javascript is in my opinion a very straightforward language, it would be easier to use it in software engineering projects.

## Athletic programmer

From an athletic software engineering perspective, I don’t understand well enough to be able to finish a smaller scale coding assignment within a set amount of time. From my personal experience, coding is something that I would have to spend time reviewing, taking a couple days to let the thoughts marinate in my head to properly tackle coding problems, that’s not to say that I don’t enjoy the WODs that we do in class, I genuinely do believe that it is amazing practice for the future. As stressful as it may seem during the actual workout, there is visible progress being made in quick thinking and coding proficiency.

I think it’ll be fun…

As stressful as it may be, I actually do enjoy doing the WODs, they feel like a game in which I have to beat a certain score to win, the score being the time it takes to finish the code, it is stressful, but in an exhilarating type of way, so I do believe that these type of activities and methods of teaching will prove to be useful for me, both now and in the future. Overall, I hope to learn more about this coding language, and wish to see myself grow as a programmer, in both athletic and large scale coding projects working with other individuals.