Jay Suh


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2026.

Interests: Skating, Coding, Working out, Animals, Volleyball


Library 2024

This is a library management system where we categorized books that we input, based on their genre, author, date of publishment, edition, and publishers.

computer programming C++

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Hotel Management 2024

It is a hotel management system, it is intended to create, manage, and book different types of rooms with different types of price points.

computer programming C++

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Brainbows 2024

A website that allows you to find study buddies, chat with them, and even give them a rating depending if you really liked them or not.

computer programming HTML React Software Engineering

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software end is nearing

09 May 2024

What I thought At first I came into this class thinking, yeah a class where I just create websites and have tons or projects that I have to do. I genuinely believed that this class was a very project oriented...

software engineering Coding

Final nAIl in the coffin

06 May 2024

I. Introduction The popularity, usage, and the functionality has skyrocketed especially as of right now, where the development of AI is at its peak. Where before it would take hours to finish a single assignment, now takes one or two...

AI Coding

Almost a solution to your coding needs

25 Apr 2024

A solution to all your needs Hypothetically, let’s assume that someone is forgetful and is always forgetting something to grab when leaving the house, oops you forgot your phone, then you go back to grab it only to forget your...

HTML CSS javascript coding Software Engineering

live, laugh, javascript

17 Jan 2024

My initial thoughts Since this is my first time learning about Javascript, I had no idea what I was expecting, I thought it would be the same as if not very similar to Java, but after experiencing it and coding...

javascript software engineering coding